People in Motion
Over the last few years we have donated new and used school uniform to charities who distribute it across the world to those in need. In March 2016, Managing Director Luke Conod and a group of Hereford-based Rotarians went on a trip to the Calais and Dunkirk refugee camps in France to view first hand where the uniform we donate could end up. The team filmed their visit to the camps and you can view their trip here:
People in Motion are a Charitable Incorporated Organisation that provide support and aid to displaced people all around the world. With their current efforts focused on the refugee crisis, they send aid and volunteer support throughout Europe and beyond to help people on their journey to a safer life. Although they are a relatively new charity, People in Motion have already sent over 60 vans full of aid and over 70 volunteers directly into the refugee camps.
Back in July 2016 we donated 30 boxes of new and used school uniform including polo shirts, jogging bottoms, sweatshirts and t-shirts which we thought would benefit the children living in refugee camps across Europe and further including Syria and even Africa.
More recently we have collaborated with Monmouth Comprehensive School to donate their old style, brand new uniform to People in Motion.
Monmouth Comprehensive School have around 1600 students and in the last couple of years have made the decision with the help of staff, students, parents and the local community to change their uniform from a polo shirt and jumper to blazers, shirts and blouses.
This means that all of the old style school uniform was left over and spare, perfect to donate to children and families who need it most around the world. School Uniform Shop, who have previously worked with People in Motion for other school uniform donations, contacted the team and arranged for dedicated volunteer, Tim, to collect the boxes of school uniform in his camper van. Most, if not all of the Monmouth Comprehensive School uniform that was donated will go to refugee camps in Syria.
Andrew Williams, Deputy Head at Monmouth Comprehensive School says “It’s important for the young people, they are the ones who really wanted to see the old uniform come to some good use. The school has strong links with lots of different charities. Part of the formal curriculum is looking at refugees and displaced people and how small acts of generosity can make a large difference.”