SME News Midlands Enterprise Awards 2021 – Best Branded Denim Apparel eTail Business
In July 2021, Denim Nation Hereford received the SME News Midlands Enterprise Awards – Best Branded Denim Apparel eTail Business 2021
“We were delighted to have been nominated for the award and even more delighted to have found out that we had won Best Branded Denim Apparel eTail Business 2021.” commented Luke Conod, Managing Director of Buy Jeans and The FIT store.
“It is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our colleagues through this extremely difficult period. As a business we work hard to ensure we offer excellent products which are ethically and sustainably sourced, combined with great customer experience.”
Dean Taylor, Awards Executive at SME News, commented:
“This award symbolises the hard work, dedication, and effort that institutions across the Midlands have applied throughout the challenges faced in the midst of a global pandemic!”